Message Marketing by Messe Turkey

Promotion Step 3 : Sms & Whatsapp Marketing


The database of export managers and responsible people of exhibitions will be informed about your exhibition by sms or whatsapp messages if we have permitted. We usually asked that we have a new show and if they would be interested in? If they are interested in, we send a full information to convince them to participate in your trade show.

Technology is growing very fast and even e-mail marketing is considered as old fashion. New trend "was" sms marketing until Whatsapp infected our smart phones. That is a good tool for the marketers also to reach directly to the responsible decision makers if it is not in a "mobbing" level.

We are using sms and whatsapp marketing to reach decision makers if only we permitted. We inform them by sms by giving a simple information of the show or a whatsapp message to ask them if they would be interested in that exhibition. If they are interested in, we send a wide information by e-mail and call them about that. We also answer their questions in real time by using whatsapp.

The power of whatsapp is depends on what language you are using actually. Sending information in English is meaningless, unfriendly and just a marketing for them. But a simple friendly "hi" and "we have a new show that you would be interested in, what do you think?" is opening an opportunity to proceed about giving detailed information to attract them.